Brewing Rock 'n Roll
It’s all about the passion
Bliksem! In English Bliksem means Lightning. As old as nature itself, dangerous and surprising. Bliksem is rock ‘n roll! Good beer and good music, for us, is the ultimate combination. Preferably uncompromising and loud, louder…loudest. F*ck Monday morning, enjoy!
BRACK beer construction
Unfortunately our brewpub is permanently closed sinds the beginning of september 2023. For almost five years we had a blast with our team serving you countless Blitz and surprising beginning craft beer lovers with our barrel aged releases. Thanks to everyone who visited and drank a beer with us.
BRACK beer construction was a structural collaboration with Ramses Beer and a company called ‘Bredase Bomen’, which makes furniture of old chopped trees in the city. The name BRACK beer construction is a derivative of Backer & Rueb, Ramses, Bliksem and a reference to the location and founders. Also a nod to brackish water because the location is on the waterfront and we serve beers that cannot always be categorized.
Not salty not sweet but something new
If we don’t like it, we don’t do it
We like big, bold beers! For no reason at all, our best beers are heavy as sh*t. Beers like Hemelvuur, Black Sabbath, GROM and The Ritual are beers we enjoy the most. These are also the beers we barrel age on a variety of casks. Not without succes. Our Anthology series has won a gold and a silver medal on the Dutch beer challenge. And Black Sabbath won gold and the title ‘ best beer of Brabant’ in 2018. Nowadays we also like to create hoppy as hell beers. Aftershock and Overkill for example. Don’t forget our hoppy weizen, Blitz, that has won a gold medal in the 2020 Brussels beer challenge. We’ re getting thirsty just by writing this, cheers!